Sunday, April 1, 2012

C4K summary April

100 word challenge pic

My C4K assignment for 4/1 was Joe from New Zealand. Joe is taking part in the Student Blogging Challenge. This is a worldwide challenge that is made up of a series of 100 weekly tasks all designed to improve blogging and commenting skills while connecting students with a global audience. I read Joe's post for the 2nd week which was to tell readers about where they live. Joe told us that he is from Mount Maunganui, New Zealand and how great it is to live there. He goes to school in the mount, and plays lots of sports like Rugby. He also told us about his favorite place to visit, Atiamuri, new Zealand. He likes it there because there is a lake where he can wake board, and a reserve where you can ride motorbikes. After reading Joe's post about New Zealand, I decided it is a place I would love to visit one day.
Eva G. was my second C4K assignment for April. Eva posted about the big oil spill in 2010 that happened in the Gulf of Mexico. She talked about how awful it had been for the wildlife. I commented that she was right the oil spill had been devastating for much of the marine life here on the coast and told her about how it had put many people out of work that depended on the gulf for their lively hood. 
My 3rd C4K for April was Chris who is in room 9 at Pt England School in New Zealand. Chris is a new student in room 9. I commented that I hope he has a great year, and asked him what was some of the things he liked about his new class.

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